The light we cannot see!

Just finished watching a Netflix, 4 episode, series, “All the Light We Cannot See.”  The setting is 1944 France during WWII.  It reveals typical war scenes and carnage, but is a more nuanced, than typical, wartime drama.  In fact, for me, the title carries the most weight in illuminating the theme.  Every viewer will, no doubt, come away with their own particular impression regarding the story message.  I have my own, overlaid with an accumulation of personal life observations, experiences and a particular worldview.  The effect on me is somewhat dramatic due to the framework of our nation’s current unrest.  While many struggle in this generation with determining what “truth” will be their compass to guide their tribal affiliation, for some it will be difficult to discern light from darkness.

It has long been a common theme for humanity to distinguish the contrast between moral light and darkness.  The challenge, for historically recorded millennia, has been the human foible of declaring their discernment of light while actually walking in darkness.  There have been many psychological theories that have attempted to explain why this is, but theoretical facts as to why will never repair willful blindness.  Personally, it is my conviction that the issue faced here is not a lack of the ability to sift out facts from fiction.  We are all capable of believing things that are not true and subject to personal bias.  But to separate light from darkness does not require superior skill in determining what is factual from what is fictional.  Light, as does darkness, has its origin from within the heart and, for those interested in being beacons, light will shine brightest when self-interest and tribal loyalty are subsumed in a commitment to communal welfare.

Truth and light are often words that represent the same thing.  For light or truth to dispel the darkness, one’s internal switch must be turned on.  It’s not enough to simply flick the switch.  There must be a commitment not to hide such illumination under a bushel.  Light must be shared by the words we speak and the actions we take.  But, alas, it is essential that we uncover the light that is within us.  All have the light, but not all have unpacked it and allowed it to shine.  I have no secret formula for anyone becoming a lamp in the darkness.  It is our calling, what we are created for, and each is individually responsible for unwrapping and fulfilling that purpose.  There are some famous words spoken a long time ago: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) This is not a call to practice or follow any particular religious faith, but rather echoes One who understood the human heart. 

A quote from the noted Netflix movie, “The most important light in the world is all the light you cannot see.”  Perhaps we dimly perceive the implications of the words of Jesus as quoted in John 8:12 in the previous paragraph, but I know that these are the words of life.  Can others see your light? It is irrelevant as to whether one accepts a particular religion or not, the essence of these words transcend any human philosophy or religious dogma.  What is most crucial is that for a nation and its citizens to be visible lights. It is necessary, for light to shine, that those who make up that nation become united in purpose; not as political devotees to any one particular worldview, not to rage against others as the enemy, not to place ideology above comradery, not to be “right,” but to be “light.”  There is a declaration in Isaiah 60:2, “Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD rises and appears over you.”  I believe today we are being spoken to.  The greatest tragedy is if we fail to hear, understand and implement the call of that voice.

About enigma316

This blog in no way implies personal expertise in any of the topics posted but it is hoped conversations will be stimulated that will encourage U.S. Christians to interact with their culture in a SPIRITUALLY ENLIGHTENED manner in order to EMBODY the "GOOD NEWS" of the Kingdom as AMBASSADORS overflowing with the SPIRIT OF JESUS.
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