The Blind following the Blind!

No doubt this will be received by some as a controversial statement. But it is my conviction, based upon observation, that much of the evil experienced in our country can be laid at the feet of religious individuals. Doesn’t much matter what righteous claims are made by these groups, the fruit of turning a blind eye to the full spectrum of ungodlike and insensitive behavior in all of its manifestations is in itself an indicator of a seared conscience.

Beating the drum for one or two pet peeves of social iniquity without embodying the full magnitude of the evil around may provide a false sense of holiness. When one’s righteousness easily ignores a much broader representation of the character of the Divine it can be readily defined as clothing oneself with a robe that is a cover for dead men’s bones.

I believe the epistle to Timothy is addressed specifically to these religious souls who in effect support the corruption of devious leaders who essentially stand for nothing and build their influence by inflaming people’s emotions and a divisive appeal to the degenerate nature of humanity. Discern what the Spirit is saying: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” 1 Tim 4:12. Telling, is the lack of the ability for shame of the participants.

Faith is not defined simply as believing the right things. It has much to do with the transformation of the mind and the humility to recognize when there’s a need for and submission to repentance. Through repeated denial of the full spectrum of evil that goes beyond a few chosen “righteous causes” for rallying around, a person’s sense of right and wrong can become numb to the point that a person can no longer easily distinguish between good and evil (or even care about the distinction). This is what the unpardonable sin entails. Stubborn resistance to self-evaluation and full submission to practicing the nature of Christ.

And what is the end of such transgression against the Spirit?: “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn—and I would heal them.” John 12:40. It might be a good idea to check to see what type of spirit is actually driving one’s emotive divisiveness and the character of the leaders that one prefers to represent them. Blindness is most disastrous when the blind are unable to recognize their own condition.

About enigma316

This blog in no way implies personal expertise in any of the topics posted but it is hoped conversations will be stimulated that will encourage U.S. Christians to interact with their culture in a SPIRITUALLY ENLIGHTENED manner in order to EMBODY the "GOOD NEWS" of the Kingdom as AMBASSADORS overflowing with the SPIRIT OF JESUS.
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